Preplanning services

Talking about a funeral is not an easy conversation to start but taking the time to arrange your funeral now offers a number of benefits that often make the process worthwhile. 

A preplanned funeral means your wishes are known and that services can be carried out just as you want them. Your funeral director will review the plan with your family but they can be spared the challeging task of making a multitude of decisions on an already difficult day. It allows for informed choices, that suit you and your family, without the pressure of time and the stress of grief. And, if you choose to prefund the arrangements you make it can provide cost savings.

This section explains the options and benefits that preplanned services offer and includes a short self-survey to help you decide if you know everything you need to about preplanning.

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About Preplanning

Taking the time to arrange your funeral in advance means your loved ones will have one less thing to worry about at a time of loss and grief. Prearranging and prefunding a funeral can be a genuine gift to your family.

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Do I know everything I need to about preplanning?

Take a short survey designed to help you determine if you've considered all the reasons preplanning might make sense for you and your family.


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Pre-Arrange Online

You can start your pre-arrangement today. Follow the link here to begin the process.