Pre-planning Survey

  • Do I know everything I need to know?

This short survey is intended to help you determine for yourself if you could benefit from more preplanning information. The questions are primarily intended to give you some food for thought but we hope you will submit your results to help us better understand the community's needs as well.

At the end of the survey we have provided space for your name and contact information. If you would like know more or would be interested in attending an upcoming information session, please complete the form before submitting your survey.

1. Have you pre-planned funeral services for yourself or a loved one? (Even if your answer is "yes" we suggest you read on and think about whether your plans are complete and up to date.)

2. Have you ever been responsible for the arrangements of a friend or family member at the time of their death?

3. If you have not made funeral arrangements are you familiar with the process?

4. Do you have accurate knowledge of the average cost of a funeral?

5. Are you aware of the options and benefits related to prepaying funeral expenses?

6. Have you prepared a will and designated an executor?

7. Have you thought about how you would like to have your life memorialized?

8. Does your family have full knowledge of, or easy access to, your will, insurance policies, financial records and a documented family history?

9. If you were to preplan your funeral would you consider cremation?

10. Do you know who would look after your funeral and affairs in case of sudden death?

11. Are they familiar with your wishes?

Contact Information